OS/2 tricks: How to enable widescreen resolutions in VirtualBox

When using OS/2 as a guest in VirtuaBox, wide screen resolutions are not enabled by default. However, it's not impossible to use it.

If you're using SNAP graphics driver, then do these.
  1. Add wide screen resolutions to OS/2 guest settings in VirtualBox
  2. Enable [Wide Resolutions] feature of SNAP
  3. Reboot
  4. Select the wide resolution
  5. Reboot
Now, see respectively.

Add Wide Screen Reolustion to OS/2 guest settings in VirtualBox

  1. CD into your VirtualBox directory
  2. VBoxManage setextradata "Your OS/2 guest machine name" CustomVideoMode1 widthxheightxbpp
In my case, I'm using 'Warp4' as a guest machine name. And I'm using 1280x800x32 wide resolutions. So I did like this.

VBoxManage setextradata Warp4 CustomVideoMode1 1280x800x32

I recommend to use 32 bpp instead of 24 bpp. If you are using 24 bpp, then some programs suffer from color corruptions.

Enable [Wide Resolutions] feature of SNAP

  1. Open your [Screen] object in [Local System] folder - [System Setup] folder
  2. Select [Screen] tab
  3. Go to [Page 2 of 2]
  4. Enable [Wide Resolutions] feature
  5. Reboot

Select the wide resolution

  1. Open your [Screen] object, again
  2. Select [Screen] tab
  3. Select the wide resolution(in my case, 1280x800x32) in a list of resolutions.
  4. Reboot
Now, enjoy your wide screen resolution with warping. ^^


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