Porting to OS/2: Modify CONFIG.SYS
Now, installation has been done. While installing many programs, we introduces some batch files. So you can use them to setup environments before using programs.
However, it is sometimes uncomfortable whenever calling those batch files first. So settings some env vars in CONFIG.SYS is useful.
The following is a template of CONFIG.SYS for programs installed so far.
Here, I assumed that all programs were installed into x:\usr except Perl and OS/2 toolkit. Perl was installed into x:\Perl and OS/2 tookit into x:\os2tk45.
At line 2, replace @YOUR_CURRENT_LIBPATH@ with your current libpath. Or prepend [.;x:\usr\lib;x:\usr\dll;x:\Perl\bin\5.8.0;] to your current libpath. At line 3, replace @YOUR_CURRENT_PATH@ with your current path as you did for line 2.
At line 6 and 7, replace @USERNAME@ with your account which you prefer. And make sure that [home] directory is created in x:\.
At line 8, replace @THE_EXECUTABLE_OF_YOUR_FAVORITE_TEXT_EDITOR@ with your favorite text editor. If the editor is in PATH, then just name of the executable is enough. Or specify a fully qualified path.
At line 9, UNIXROOT is an env var for many ported programs from unix. It specifies the root of unix style path. For examples, if some programs use /usr/bin, then it is translated to x:/usr/bin using UNIXROOT. Of course, this works only if a porter supports UNIXROOT. And UNIXROOT should be just a drive alphabet followed by colon. Here is [x:].
At line 10, INFOPATH specifies a directory of info files, which are a kind of help files.
At line 11, TERMINFO specifies a directory of terminal information files.
At line 12, GNULOCALEDIR specifies a directory of locale files, which is for internationalization.
At line 13, CONFIG_SITE is for a configure script. If it is specified, configure script reads it first before processing configure script. So some common startup scripts are stored into a file specified by CONFIG_SITE. We'll look about this later.
At line 22, GCCLOADS specify a resident time of gcc. When building a project, many source files are should be compiled and linked. By the way, it'll take more long time if gcc is executed whenever it is called. To reduce this time, gcc has a feature that it can be resident for time specified by GCCLOADS in minutes.
However, it is sometimes uncomfortable whenever calling those batch files first. So settings some env vars in CONFIG.SYS is useful.
The following is a template of CONFIG.SYS for programs installed so far.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | REM CONFIG.SYS LIBPATH=.;x:\usr\lib;x:\usr\dll;x:\Perl\bin\5.8.0;@YOUR_CURRENT_LIBPATH@ SET PATH=x:\usr\bin;x:\usr\sbin;x:\Perl\lib;@YOUR_CURRENT_PATH@ REM ----- settings for OS2UNIX Environment ----- SET HOME=x:/home/@USERNAME@ SET USER=@USERNAME@ SET EDITOR=@THE_EXECUTABLE_OF_YOUR_FAVORITE_TEXT_EDITOR@ SET UNIXROOT=x: SET INFOPATH=.;x:/usr/info;x:/usr/share/info SET TERMINFO=x:/usr/share/terminfo SET GNULOCALEDIR=x:/usr/share/locale SET CONFIG_SITE=x:/usr/etc/config.site REM ----- settings for pkg-config ----- SET PKG_CONFIG_PATH=x:/usr/lib/pkgconfig REM ----- settings for EMX ----- SET C_INCLUDE_PATH=.;x:/usr/include;x:/os2tk45/speech/h;x:/os2tk45/som/include;x:/os2tk45/inc;x:/os2tk45/h/gl;x:/os2tk45/h;x:/os2tk45/h/libc SET LIBRARY_PATH=x:/usr/lib;x:/usr/dll;x:/os2tk45/speech/lib;x:/os2tk45/samples/mm/lib;x:/os2tk45/lib;x:/os2tk45/som/lib SET CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=.;x:/usr/include;x:/os2tk45/speech/h;x:/os2tk45/som/include;x:/os2tk45/inc;x:/os2tk45/h/gl;x:/os2tk45/h;x:/os2tk45/h/libc SET GCCLOAD=5 SET GCCOPT=-pipe REM ----- settings for Perl 5.8.0 ----- SET PERLLIB_PREFIX=L:/Perl/lib;x:\Perl\lib SET PERL_LIBPATH=L:/Perl/lib;x:\Perl\lib SET PERL_BADFREE=0 SET PERL_BADLANG=0 SET PERL_SH_DIR=x:\bin |
Here, I assumed that all programs were installed into x:\usr except Perl and OS/2 toolkit. Perl was installed into x:\Perl and OS/2 tookit into x:\os2tk45.
At line 2, replace @YOUR_CURRENT_LIBPATH@ with your current libpath. Or prepend [.;x:\usr\lib;x:\usr\dll;x:\Perl\bin\5.8.0;] to your current libpath. At line 3, replace @YOUR_CURRENT_PATH@ with your current path as you did for line 2.
At line 6 and 7, replace @USERNAME@ with your account which you prefer. And make sure that [home] directory is created in x:\.
At line 8, replace @THE_EXECUTABLE_OF_YOUR_FAVORITE_TEXT_EDITOR@ with your favorite text editor. If the editor is in PATH, then just name of the executable is enough. Or specify a fully qualified path.
At line 9, UNIXROOT is an env var for many ported programs from unix. It specifies the root of unix style path. For examples, if some programs use /usr/bin, then it is translated to x:/usr/bin using UNIXROOT. Of course, this works only if a porter supports UNIXROOT. And UNIXROOT should be just a drive alphabet followed by colon. Here is [x:].
At line 10, INFOPATH specifies a directory of info files, which are a kind of help files.
At line 11, TERMINFO specifies a directory of terminal information files.
At line 12, GNULOCALEDIR specifies a directory of locale files, which is for internationalization.
At line 13, CONFIG_SITE is for a configure script. If it is specified, configure script reads it first before processing configure script. So some common startup scripts are stored into a file specified by CONFIG_SITE. We'll look about this later.
At line 22, GCCLOADS specify a resident time of gcc. When building a project, many source files are should be compiled and linked. By the way, it'll take more long time if gcc is executed whenever it is called. To reduce this time, gcc has a feature that it can be resident for time specified by GCCLOADS in minutes.
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