Porting to OS/2: Install coreutils(file, shell, text utils)

Unix shell scripts use many external tiny programs. GNU make a collection of such utilities called coreutils. And these utilities are expected to exist on every platforms. So our platform, OS/2 also have to have these utilities.


There are many versions of coreutils on OS/2, currently. But, I recommend coreutils which seemed to be developed to test kLIBC. You can get this here,

Unzip this into a root of the drive on which gcc was installed.

  • unzip coreutils-5.94.zip -d x:\

If you don't like that utils are in x:\bin, then move them to x:\usr\bin. Of course, you should add x:\bin or x:\usr\bin to your PATH.

If you're interested in coreutils, use it. However, I recommend to use separate distributions if possible. Because they are more stable and work as expected better although they are older(coreutils appeared after these utils as a collection of them). Instead, if you have a problem with these utils, replace a specific file with one of coreutils.


You can get file-utils here,

Unzip anywhere, and copy subdirectories to x:\usr.

  • x:\path\to\fileutils-3.16>xcopy /s/e/v/h/t/r . x:\usr\


You can get shell-utils here,

Unzip OS2tree.zip from this into x:\.

  • unzip OS2tree.zip -d x:\


You can get text-utils here,

Unzip OS2tree.zip from this into x:\.

  • unzip OS2tree.zip -d x:\


Unfortunately, some utils of coreutils have the same name as OS/2 basic utils. For examples, install of file-utils, sort of text-utils are so. To solve this, you should rename either coreutils or OS/2 basic utils.

Or if you prefer to use coreutils, move its directories to the first of PATH. That is,

  • set PATH=x:\usr\bin;%PATH%

// ----- 2014/09/04
I recommend to rename ln.exe of coreutils to another such as ln.exe.sav or to remove it if possible. Because OS/2 does not support link feature at all. Although kLIBC apps can simulate it, non-kLIBC apps does not understand it. Fortuantely, many scripts fall back to cp.exe if ln.exe is not available. Don't worry.


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