Porting to OS/2: Case #24 scandir() and alphsort()

scandir() scans a directory, and alphsort() is provided to scandir() as a comparison function to sort directory entries into alphabetical order.

OS/2 kLIBC has a declaration for scandir(), but has not implemented it. In case of alphsort(), OS/2 kLIBC has no even the declaration for it.

Here is the implementation and a test for them.

This implementation follows OS/2 kLIBC declaration. However, notice that OS/2 kLIBC declaration is slightly different from POSIX specs. See the comments for details.


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토렌트: < 왕좌의 게임 > 시즌 1 ~ 시즌 8 완결편 마그넷

토렌트: < 스타워즈 > Ep.1 ~ Ep.6 마그넷

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