OS/2 tricks: Convert PNGs to ICOs

Nowadays, most of icons are made in PNG format. However, OS/2 does not support PNG icons. If you want to use PNG icons on OS/2, you should convert them to OS/2 ICO format.

If you have PMView Pro, it can convert PNG icons to OS/2 ICO icons. However, it does not support transparent background. Its result icons have a black background instead. And it does not support merge multiple PNGs to one ICO icon.

Other than PMView Pro, there are no tools to convert PNGs to OS/2 ICO icons directly. However, there are indirect ways. Many tools support to convert PNGs to Windows ICO icons. And there are tools to convert Windows ICO icons to OS/2 ICO icons. As a result, you can convert PNGs to OS/2 icons with two steps.

First, out of converting tools from PNGs to Windows icons, the most convenient tool is a web site, http://icoconvert.com/. Here, you can convert 1 PNG to 1 icon, and merge multiple-PNGs to 1 icon. When converting PNGs, the sizes you need are 16x16, 32x32. If 20x20 and 40x40 are present, then include them, too.

Second, convert the icons resulting from the above to OS/2 icons. There are two tools to do this. One is WinIco and the other is Icon Plus.

Icon Plus has more features than WinIco. However, I recommend to use WinIco. Because it has the unique feature centering images.

Most Windows icons do not have 20x20 and 40x40 icons. If they have those icons, there are no problems. If not, they are scaled from other size icons such as 16x16 and 32x32. In this case, the icons shown in WPS folder, is somewhat ugly.

Instead, WinIco generates 20x20 and 40x40 icons from 16x16 and 32x32 icons respectively by centering these into those. Although icon size is smaller than icons designed for 20x20 and 40x40 at first, the images are not scaled and their quality are not damged.

You can get WinIco and Icon Plus. In case of WinIco, use 0.94 or later.

WinIco : http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/h-search.php?key=winico&pushbutton=Search
Icon Plus : http://glass.ptv.ru/icplus.html


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