1월, 2018의 게시물 표시

OS/2 announce: kmididec v0.1.0 for OS/2 released

kmididec v0.1.0 for OS/2 has been released. OS/2 용 kmididec v0.1.0 을 발표하였습니다. They can be downloaded from : 다음 링크를 클릭하면 받을 수 있습니다 : http://www.os2.kr/komh/os2factory/#kmididec Enjoy Warping !!! Korean OS/2 User Community : http://www.os2.kr/

OS/2 announce: libdvdcss v1.4.1, libdvdread v6.0.0 and libdvdnav v6.0.0 for OS/2 released

libdvdcss v1.4.1, libdvdread v6.0.0 and libdvdnav v6.0.0 for OS/2 has been released. OS/2 용 libdvdcss v1.4.1, libdvdread v6.0.0, libdvdnav v6.0.0 을 발표하였습니다. They can be downloaded from : 다음 링크를 클릭하면 받을 수 있습니다 : libdvdcss: http://www.os2.kr/komh/os2factory/#libdvdcss libdvdread: http://www.os2.kr/komh/os2factory/#libdvdread libdvdnav: http://www.os2.kr/komh/os2factory/#libdvdnav Enjoy Warping !!! Korean OS/2 User Community : http://www.os2.kr/

OS/2 tricks: how to add BLDLEVEL signatures to the executables

BLDLEVEL command displays a version string in a file. This information is useful to distinguish the version of the executables and DLLs which have the same names. There are two three(2020/08/24) ways in order to add BLDLEVEL signatures to the executables 1. 'DESCRIPTION' statement of .DEF file DESCRIPTION statement of .DEF is used to descript a usage of a module. And the string of the field is stored into the executables. Therefore, if you write BLDLEVEL signatures here, BLDLEVEL command can read the signatures. Syntax is like: DESCRIPTION 'BLDLEVEL signatures' You can use double-quotes(") instead of single-quotes('). For build with gcc, do like this: gcc filename.c filename.def 2. RCDATA statement of .RC file BLDLEVEL scans the executable partially not DESCRIPTION field. So if writing BLDLEVEL signature to the executable, BLDLEVEL may find it. RCDATA of .RC which puts custom datum as-is. This is the command that we are finding. Sy...

OS/2 codes: workaround for a bug of _path2() of kLIBC v0.6.6

Since kLIBC v0.6.6, new functions for search-in-path are introduced. They are _path2() , _searchenv2() , _searchenv2_value() , _searchenv2_has_suffix() and _searchenv2_one_file() . Out of these, unfortunately, _path2() has a bug which is fixed already but not released yet. For details, see the ticket . Because of this, functions using _path2() such as spawn[lv]p[e]() and exec[lv]p[e]() have the same bug. Until the fixed new libc is released, there is a way to workaround for the bug. The bug occurs if and only if EMXPATH env var is not set and a directory entry with the same name as the executable exists. So setting empty EMXPATH would be able to avoid the bug unless EMXPATH is set. Put the following codes into startup codes. Colored By Color Scripter ™ 1 2 if  (!getenv( "EMXPATH" ))     putenv( "EMXPATH=" );

OS/2 announce: fluidsynth v1.1.9 for OS/2 released

fluidsynth v1.1.9 for OS/2 has been released. OS/2 용 fluidsynth v1.1.9 를 발표하였습니다. They can be downloaded from : 다음 링크를 클릭하면 받을 수 있습니다 : http://www.os2.kr/komh/os2factory/#fluidsynth Enjoy Warping !!! Korean OS/2 User Community : http://www.os2.kr/